Saturday, January 29, 2011

First Tunisia, Then Egypt

Is this good news, or bad news?

Hard to say. Tunisia and Egypt are not Koran-thumping governments, though they have strong anti-western pan-arab movements.

I'm pretty knowledgeable on the topic of geopolitics. I feel I can safely predict what this will lead Israel to do.

Israel recently raided a ship sent by a Turkish aid group headed for the Gaza strip. While the media tne the UN likes to portray images of Israeli Jackboots flying in on helicopters and eating babies on the ship deck...not exactly. The Israelis radioed several times for the ship to dock in Tel Aviv or wherever and be searched for weapons, because a common tactic of Islamist groups is to hide explosives and weapons in humanitarian aid. They were ignored several times. Red Crescent ambulances have often been found to have medical supplies and such...but also suicide bombs, firearms and katyusha rockets that can be fired from Palestinian held areas into Israeli towns. They radioed several times and were ignored, until finally getting the message "Go back to Auschwitz". Ooohoohooo. F**k with the bull, get the horns. WRONG message to send, they can cry about it all they want. A couple of Israelis got killed in that raid, stabbed to death or shot with handguns.

Israel never misses a prime opportunity to strengthen its territorial integrity. The Israelis have made concession after concession, and each time the response was more hostility from the Palestinian Infitadaists, more death tolls, no peace. I think Israel is pretty well over a peace that is not tenable, and the "fall guy" president that D-Generation elected simply because of the color of his skin has no idea how to deal. Out of his league. Read any of his college papers, they are pedantic and he comes off like a 9th grader trying to please some tweed-jacket for a 4.0 GPA.

My prediction is that if Egypt is in dischord, the Israelis will use it as an opportunity. They will eventually come to a course of action and will use that opportunity to drive Hamas and all the Islamists that Mubarak shipped over to Gaza right back to him. That's why they've been bringing in errant Judaic communities & "lost tribes" to take over the positions that Palestinian muslims once did, because they assimilate into Israeli society. Good fences make for good neighbors. This is what the right wing in Israel holds to:

"All the land shall be turned into a plain from Geba to Rimmon south of Jerusalem. Jerusalem shall be raised up and inhabited in her place from Benjamin's Gate to the place of the First Gate and the Corner Gate, and from the Tower of Hananel to the king's winepresses."
"This shall be the punishment of Egypt and the punishment of all the nations that do not come up to keep the Feast of that day, there shall no longer be a Canaanite in the house of the Lord of Hosts." - Zechariah

They will flow west from Gaza...and east from Jerusalem. The above is the doctrine Israel will follow in what it views as its defense.


"One second, Infidel, I have to call a package left in a Montreal cafeteria..."

"Reporting from San Diego —
U.S. border authorities have arrested a controversial Muslim cleric who was deported from Canada to Tunisia three years ago and was caught earlier this month trying to sneak into California in the trunk of a BMW, according to court documents.

Said Jaziri, the former imam of a Muslim congregation in Montreal, was hidden in a car driven by a San Diego-area man who was pulled over by U.S. Border Patrol agents near an Indian casino east of San Diego on Jan. 11. Jaziri had allegedly paid a Tijuana-based smuggling group $5,000 to get him across the border near Tecate, saying he wanted to be taken to a "safe place anywhere in the U.S."

The arrest marks the unexpected resurfacing of the 43-year-old cleric, whose protracted legal battle to avoid deportation drew headlines in Canada. A Tunisian immigrant, Jaziri was deported for failing to disclose a criminal conviction in France while applying for refugee status in the mid-1990s.

But Jaziri's supporters said he was targeted for his fundamentalist views: He backed Sharia law for Canadian Muslims and led protests over the publication of the Prophet Mohammed cartoons in a Danish newspaper in 2006."

Muslim Cleric Arrested Coming Into US Illegally (LA Behind-The-Times)

Oh, he was TARGETED for backing 7th Century laws that are diametrically opposed to Canada's laws? WHAT OPPRESSION! Plenty of places with Sharia law for this asshat to go to, why isn't he rushing there? Muslim hypocrites. My uncle used to be married to a Lebanese woman who fled the PLO when they rolled into Lebanon and began killing Maronite Christians...she was a stewardess who always noticed how these skeikhs and clerics would booze up & slap asses on the plane ride, then put their pious face back on once they got back to MohammedLand. I say, send him to a place that has Sharia law if he loves sharia so much. Or lock him in a Clockwork Orange cell and make him watch Lifetime Channel for about 6 months straight. That'll teach him.

There's fenceriders who fly whatever standard is most comfortable for them, in their own fake self-interest, and there's gatekeepers. All Californians should kiss gatekeeper ass that border patrol nabbed this guy. Hiding in a truck like a teenager trying to sneak into a drive-in movie...ridiculous. Cross the baking desert on foot like the mexicans have to, wuss.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

"What, me worry about safe sex?"

I'm not so sure about this guy. Information should be free, yeah. But there is cause and effect to consider. Spies keep secrets, diplomats blow smoke up asses, sugarcoat matters, that's what they do.  Millions of lives can be affected if information isn't handled responsibly. Where's the legal defense fund for PFC Manning who is totally hosed for giving intel to WikiLeaks? Even the Canadians are upset with Assange. It's pretty difficult to piss off Canadians. The Canadian PM is the one having to stand up and speak out for Israel. That's pretty bad. I don't blame our ineffectual president because it's a shit sandwich he was handed on a rusty platter. NOBODY is in any ivory tower. If electricity is decentralized, we'll all have to haxxor the planet on computers run off of windmills and solar panels.

"I know theeeeeee! I know thy name!!!!!"

Dude looks like the poor man's Julian Sands from Warlock.

Here's a leak. This is the sort of stuff that people in the NSA and other Homeland Security Organizations do. They ARE watching. They have decryption teams too. If someone looks at a few jihadi videos online, then they just write it off as someone doing a paper or just morbidly curious. If it's HUNDREDS of times, if it's in an area where they know there to be a strong presence of islamists, if there is a lot of activity to domains they know to be hotbeds...(Knock knock). They send someone to follow up. That's what they do. Most people don't realize it, blow it up into black helicopters and Mossad boogeymen around every corner, yadda yadda. I don't know if a transparent federal government is even possible. If you view a nation as an individual (shudder), nobody wants all their dirty laundry aired for everyone to scrutinize. Uncle Sam doesn't want the holes in his underwear showing, Colonel Sanders doesn't want you knowing his secret recipe, and being totally transparent as a person does not tend to go well. Clear?

Monday, January 10, 2011


I have this online pal from Israel I talk to now and then. He pops up when I'm unfortunate enough to be on facebook. We have these weird, deep conversations. He speaks good english, though American idioms go right over his head and he ends up getting confused by them, so I avoid them when talking to him. Ptyl is one of those people who kinda just..hates everything. Moved to Germany for awhile...hated Germans and Berlin. Went back to Israel...hated it in Israel. I kept working on him, telling him he's intense, because Israel is freaking intense. I invited him to come kibbutz with me for awhile, but he ended up in Arizona with some people he knew online. After a while, he was like "America sucks too, I'm moving back to Israel". (Face:Palm) I was like, Ptyl, were in ARIZONA, what did you expect? I said, go to Philly or Seattle or even here, Florida. Don't move from desert to...desert. No getting through to Ptyl, most stubborn guy on earth. But he is strangely endearing.

He chain smokes, he drinks alot, he's moody & brooding, he posts these loooong videos where he kinda rambles, he's a huge nihilist...and he also makes some of the most amazingly intense music ever. With practically NOTHING. Just a microphone, a 15-year-old software program most people would scoff at, and an acoustic guitar. I was one of a handful that bought his album. I HAD to. He's one of the best sampling artists I've witnessed in action. Some people are mash-up artists, like Girl Talk or Moldover. Ptyl is a pure Data Raper. He can take a guitar riff, and turn it into something entirely different. He can take a few samples and have a verse-chorus-verse-bridge song within a week or so where you can't even recognize the original samples. I can only imagine what he could do if he were a happier person. Imagine Trent Reznor if he wasn't a rich boy from Pennsylvania, but a grousey broke Israeli with more to be jaded about.

One of the last lengthy conversations I had with Ptyl, he was bumming me out big time. I asked him "do you think you maybe act so nihilist as a way of keeping anyone from getting close to you"....."Yes. yes, I think you may be right". First time I've ever heard him admit I might have a point, but, it was just Ptyl throwing me a bone. Ptyl, I think, read too much Nietzsche. Nietzsche is the biggest boor. Kierkagaard or Goethe or just about anyone is better. I flipped through "The Antichrist" meanders and really has no point, guy flips around all the time, comes off like a heartless miscreant. I guess it's good in that "smite & crush your enemies, hear da lamentations of da womenz" way, but it always seemed like Nietzsche had issues with basic human emotions. Would confuse pity for sympathy and compassion. And he'd rail on about Christianity, but...what he was actually bitching about was messianics. A belief that everything can be handed to someone else, and the backseat beckons. A belief in some great reward in the hereafter for behaving good in this one. Well, it seems to me that good behavior IS its own reward in this life. Anytime there's a president, we vote them in and expect them to be some sort of messianic figure. But power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Everyone's always afraid to elect someone that has solid, extreme they wouldn't have to compromise too. They'd end up adjusting too. Checks and balances.

Ptyl does hit on a good point about the United Nations. That's pretty accurate.."here ya go Israel".."OH, you took us seriously on that? Hahaha. Now you're our favorite scapegoat nation, suckers! But we'll appoint Iran to head women's rights, and bring on Zimbabwe as a leader in economic development". EVERYONE GETS A GOLD STAR!! I think Israel has pretty much given up on the peace process, because the process doesn't seem to be leading to peace. Everytime there's some concession, Philistia (I'll save my opinion of the arab nationalist front group called the Palestinians for another time) pulls some shit. European xenophobia & evil created that situation, now they look to throw the J's down a well again. Au contraire, mon frere. Psalm 83. I know who my friends are. Even when my friends don't know. Who mourns for the loss of my modest inheritances, my identity, even the loss of my gender role? I never robbed anyone. I never owned any slaves, nor did any of my ancestors, they came with nothing. I acted ethically. When it was IMPOSSIBLE to act ethically, I made amends to restore balance. I paid from my own wages for what many are HANDED. I never bought anything on money I didn't have. I've never lived in nor aspired to live in a McMansion I was not entitled to. I've done plenty for the little guys, it's supposed to be an exchange, not one losing so another can "win". What is it they are winning other than EVERYTHING at my expense? Tsk tsk, I am hardly the only one who refuses to lie down and take it up the ass. I've lived minimally. I'll continue to do so, and those who won't...into the pit. No more FALL GUY crap. I'll kick every person who thinks like that into a pit, then sit there and laugh at them as they try to climb the slippery walls.

In just about every modern prolonged catastrophe, I see the hand of the UN. I doubt there would have been a World War 2 if not for the precursor to the UN, the League of Nations. The League of Nations saddled all the blame for WW1 on Germany, when Germany was hardly the only antagonist in that war. The result was economic ruin and exhorbitant reparations forced on the former Weimar Republic. I find the UN to not just be irrelevant, but a major source of strife around the world. It's the biggest joke of an organization, a huge unecessary bureaucracy. There is nothing the UN does that smaller organizations and individual diplomats can't do themselves. The UN is irrelevant. It's a hall of smoke and mirrors.

My philosophy: act locally, fuck globally. At least from the perspective of the UN & one world government...I'm all for NON-UN organizations flying over medical supplies and sitting on top of them in an African village or something. Need mercenary organizations to contract to them, or it'd just be Somalia or "Live Aid" & Mengistu all over again...maybe that would be a better use of Blackwater. That doesn't mean ya gotta go around acting like a jerk in other people's countries, but...laconic wit: "want to bring democracy to the world? First start with your own family." There is no global village, that would be like having Osama Bin Laden, Mother Theresa, Gandhi, and Ted Turner on a co-op commune. Might make for a good show, like an episode of Family Guy or something. "This is worse than the toim Hitlah and Gandhi shared pirogis at the farming co-op..."

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Oyayi. I hate that topic when it comes up. I said nothing. Not because I have no opinion, but because I know how MANY people are. And I'm not really allowed (again) to have an opinion about it, because I'm a wegroe. Wegroes best scrub dem flo's and mind dey bidness! Get on the flo in your own country, dhimmi! Put on this monkey suit, steppenwolf & fetchit! Zionism is one thing. Importing "lost tribes" from the indus valley is one thing. Israel's right to defend itself is another. Palestine and Israel...let's do this...

There is VERY LITTLE that differentiates Palestinians from other arab nationalities. Good luck finding a code of laws written by Palestinians or any such founding document. They're muslims. All the Palestinian movement IS, is a front for arab nationalism. Research it if you doubt me. They're funded by surrounding arab states. Arafat got his start in Egypt, if I recall correctly. Palestinian as an ethnic identifier didn't start showing up until about 90 years ago. Kinda like that Aztlan bullshit. Wow, this is all incredibly familiar. So, so..I'm supposed to throw away my own country, which was hard won too and is about 150 years older than "Palestine", in favor of a nation that was never a nation and has no constitution other than "Death to Israel"? Interesting...

If folks can say "Oh, you're a christian, and christianity is by its very core an affront to judaism and you're antisemitic", then why can't I say the same of Palestinians? The NAME Palestine is an affront to jews. That's the whole POINT of the NAME! Anyway..christianity is anti-judaism. How is that, it's based on judaic commandments..

1. Jesus was a jew. A crazy ass for sure, but..Eh, what's done is done. John 4:15 is where Yeshua essentially tells a woman to stop being such a silly Samaritan.."sir, give me this water of knowledge so that I won't have to keep coming to you for water". Then he was like "bitch please, get offa me, I'm hangin with my bros, I don't need more crazy women creating problems for me..." okay, not really. He told her salvation comes from the jews. Uh, I'd beg to differ, I think salvation comes from whatever someone wants it to be. Well, she didn't want to hear that, so she ran back to everyone in the village..."it's the MESSIAH! He told me everything I've done and everything I'm going to do!". (facepalm) My theory is: Christianity is the product of...WOMEN. Anytime there's some president, what do they do? "OH, this guy is going to be the SAVIOR of our country!" It's ingrained in them. Biologically. It's the XX Chromosome Conspiracy, because occupied Judea at that time was going through rough times. The Catholics have it figured out, they've honed things down into ritual, taken some of the emphasis off of Jesus and directed it to Saints, offer "indulgences", have a strong hierarchy.

2. The term "anti-semitism" is semantics. Semites are sand people. Arabs. It's all about genes, DNA? The term is really describing "anti-judaism". Why isn't it called that? Because the term comes from 19th century Germany, which was becoming big on racism, bigotry, and religious intolerance..lots of gene research and splitting people into gene groups and dumb crap like that. Gangs of New Germany. Since, like anyone else, jewish folks are influenced by the culture they live in...there ya go.

3. The term PALESTINE comes from "Philistia" which is what the Emperor Hadrian renamed Israel as an insult to the jewish people after the Bar Kokhba rebellion was crushed at Masada.

Let's get into some great moments in Palestinian history:

1. No "Palestinian" nationality or identifying group existed until the fall of the Ottoman Empire.
2. The hebrews have ruled that land autonomously for about 2,000 years, and have always had a numerical presence for about 4,000 years.
3. What is now Israel looked like a car crash in the desert before the nation of Israel was formed.
4. Why is it that a country that turned a scrubby, dilapidated strip of land into a modern industrialized one in about 60 years is expected to hand everything over and grab knees? They've given incredible concessions. 80% of what was the Palestinian Mandate is called Jordan, anyway.
5. Why is it that all the jews who were in surrounding arab countries where they'd been expelled and oppressed for...ever..were welcomed into Israel since its creation. Yet muslim palestinians get treated like crappy pawns by arab countries who share their religion and MOST their culture?
6. Why am *I* expected to give a crap about palestinian refugees. They come here, and the non-muslim ones do fine. They aren't happy about their losses, and they're the ones that tended to get screwed the MOST in the rocking of the Casbah. The muslim ones mostly gripe and stir up strife. Yeah yeah, welcome to America, dillholes, assimilate like everyone else has to or Mecca is THATTAWAY.
7. The Grand Mufti Al Husayni Meccaleccahigh of Jerusalem is a founder of the Palestinian movement. He was tea buddies with Hitler:

"Here. This one. See if you can hit a bottle of Manischewitz from 1,000 yards, muslim nazi soldier".

The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem incited riots that got a few thousand people in "Palestine" killed. The Grand Mufti also lobbied the Fwench for "Palestine" to be reunified with Syria. Wait, is this Syria, or Palestine? Confusing. He then teamed up with Mr. Moustache who wanted to bar all the doors for jews trying to escape persecution in Europe. The Mufti would go to Bosnia to train and encourage SS brigades comprised of Bosnian muslims.

"Ali Baba and the 40 Himmlers"

So. There. That is how I feel about zionism. It's done. It's a reality. It's here, it's queer, it's not going anywhere, and as far as I'm concerned...Israel is an important symbol, and it's the people there that matter. Israel really does not go around invading other countries, they only go and raise hell when they're FORCED to. They strike quick. When the fwench gave Saddam nuclear technology and he started to build a nuclear reactor at Osirik for "peaceful purposes" (never mind all the oil Iraq sits on), this is what Israel did:

"I dooooooont think so! L'Chaim!"

I guess I have a few unpopular positions. I do not find Israel to be a "racist" country. BIGOTED, perhaps. There's Falashes, who are black jews. There's Ashkenazes who look like me. There's Khazars, who are turks from Russia. Sephards from Iberia and Morocco. Middle-Eastern jews. Etc. Israel exchanges many valuable things. A lot of scientific advances, fiberoptics, software development, and more. It's often claimed Israel is a welfare state that gets $2B in aid from the US, but it's more of an exchange. EGYPT also gets 2B a year from the US. What they offer in exchange is not attacking Israel. But they do ship their radical islamists to Gaza to masquerade as of both worlds for Egypt.

Israel is a weird sort of democratic theocracy. I have always held these opinions. That's nothing new, I just tended to keep my mouth shut about it. There were once TWO kingdoms, Israel and Judah. The handbaggers, they feel if they absolve themselves of Israel, then all is well. But Israel-bashing is the favorite past-time of anti-semites. If there was no Israel for the UN and all the one-worlders to bash, they'd move on to Judah. Happened before. If we're bashing theocracies here, there's plenty in the middle east to choose from. Iran, for one. People that demonize all things Israeli don't know history from the holes in their heads.